I just found about this today. I'm awaiting some reviews on this program, but for now, here is the lowdown on 'Adsense Decoded' as follows:
The AdSense Decoded project led by Dr Patrick Hillenbrand a fellow internet marketer, an Australian AdSense Expert and a top AdSense earner reveals truly powerful AdSense techniques & strategies in his online video based 'AdSense GPS Roadmap'.
An alternative name for these powerful videos could be "Step-By-Step AdSense Videos to Instant $10k/month With or Without Search Engine Traffic".
In fact, Patrick made $10,852 in just the FIRST month using NO search engine traffic at all. And importantly, without breaking any AdSense program policies.
This is a brand new concept! It's called 'AdSense Brokerage' (NOT arbitrage). Patrick shows how to monetize on every single visitor you have to your AdSense pages, and not just once but multiple times, monetizing on your visitors many times over.
Whether you are new to AdSense or a seasoned publisher AdSenseDecoded offers you an invaluable roadmap how to substantially increase your current AdSense earnings by using best practise and advanced AdSense techniques previously only known to only a handful of top earners, Patrick included.
If you are in any way working with AdSense and have decided to finally claim your slice of the largest revenue stream on the Net and want to copy the big earners, you can check the AdsenseDecoded project out today and see what all the fuss is all about!